Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs once said that he couldn’t understand how people he featured on his show could be passionate about their dirty jobs. What he found was that what they did was bring their passion into their work, as dirty as the work may be.

As entrepreneurs we are fortunate to be doing something we love and are passionate about. I am passionate about video because it transformed my business life. A few years ago we produced an animation video for Pritzer Media (parent company) explaining what we did and how we help our customers. That video made us a big profits and I realized that if video with a purpose (to sell) worked for us it would also work for our customers. That’s when Vid Machine was born and it has worked.

Our videos have been featured in client campaigns and have been part of generating over $70 million dollars in sales for our customers. This is exactly why we do what we do. So I am passopnate about video because video has transformed my business and it can do the same for yours.


Byron G. Torres

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