DIY Video Production

DIY Video Production When it comes to Video Production you can go over the top with glitz and glamour which typically results in big expenses or you can do it yourself and save yourself a chunk of money. The downside to doing it yourself is coming across as unprofessional or not caring enough about your…

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Video is Booming, there’s a reason

Video is booming. Why? Because video is more compelling that text. When people visit a website and they cant figure out how the business can help them, they’re gone. What about video on social media? You guessed it, it’s huge. When a person watches a well produce, informative and entertaining video, they pay attention. The…

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Boring content pushes visitors away

Boring content pushes visitors away. You spent a lot of time and money creating your website and marketing. Potential customers find our page and click on your link and when they get there…they can’t figure out what you do or how you can help them. This is a tragedy in marketing. You had them and…

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